October 24, 2020 1:21 amINFORMATION OF GENERAL INTEREST. Finally, on November 5, the Tax Reform package for 2021 was approved by the Chamber of... Widget Area 2
INFORMATION OF GENERAL INTEREST. Finally, on November 5, the Tax Reform package for 2021 was approved by the Chamber of... Widget Area 2
Below we present the most significant changes in relation to the one in force in the previous year. Chapter I... Widget Area 2
AUTHORIZED DEDUCTIONS ARTICLE 27, Frac. I. f) and ARTICLE 151, Frac. III. F). Donations to company school programs (Repealed) The... Widget Area 2
ARTICLE 79. Legal Persons who are not taxpayers of income tax This article is reformed in the following 3 points:... Widget Area 2
ARTICLE 94. Income assimilated to salaries A last paragraph is added to this article to establish an income cap of... Widget Area 2
ARTICLE 113-A. Income from the sale of goods or provision of services through technological platforms The income tax withholding scheme... Widget Area 2
DIGITAL ECONOMY ARTICLE 18-B. Services that are taxed The second paragraph of section II of this article is eliminated, which... Widget Area 2
ARTICLE 15. Exemption for professional medical services provided through private welfare or charitable institutions Section XIV is amended to include... Widget Area 2
ARTICLE 5 -A. Modification to the General Anti-Abuse Rule With the 2020 tax reform, article 5 -A was added to... Widget Area 2
In the current situation, the need to obtain financial resources in companies is a priority to continue activities that generate... Widget Area 2