September 9. OFFICE 700-04-00-00-00-2020-108 through which the list of Digital Service Providers Registered in the RFC is made known, in terms of article 18-D, section I of the VAT Law
Through this trade se publishes a list of residents abroad without establishment in the country that provide digital services to receivers located in the national territory and that are registered in the RFC.
According to Rule 12.1.5. of the RMF for 2020, this information will be published bimonthly no later than the first 10 days of January, March, May, July, September and November, and must contain the following information: Denomination or company name, commercial name, city and country of origin and the date of registration in the RFC.
Check the content of the list at:
September 18. RESOLUTION of the Council of Representatives of the Sixth National Commission for the Participation of Workers in the Profits of the Companies.
Through which the Sixth National Commission for the Participation of Workers in the Profits of the Companies, unanimously determines that the percentage of participation for the workers in the profits of the companies, should be kept at the 10% applicable on the Taxable income.
This percentage will be reviewed again after 10 years from the date of this resolution, as provided for in article 589 of the Federal Labor Law.
Consult the full content of the Resolution at:
September 18. GUIDELINES on Republican Austerity of the Federal Public Administration
These guidelines are intended to regulate and establish the applicable measures in the matter of austerity in the exercise of federal public spending, primarily for current spending, for which they must be subject to the criteria of legality, honesty, efficiency, effectiveness, economy, rationality, austerity, transparency, control, accountability and gender equity, in such a way that savings are obtained from the expenditures allocated to the activities and functions that correspond to the Federal Public Administration.
Consult the complete content of the guidelines at: