November 4. AGREEMENT No. 127/2020 of the Constitutional Governor of the State by which a restriction schedule is established and the closure and suspension of activities and establishments within the territory of the State is ordered.
In recent days, the state of Chihuahua has witnessed a greater number of infections of the SARS-CoV2 virus, which results in the disease called COVID-19, a higher transmission rate and greater occupation of public health institutions, which to in turn, it is reflected in an increase in the death rate.
Given the advance of the pandemic in the state, in order to promote a responsible response among citizens and inhibit the risk of infections and deaths from COVID-19, this Agreement is issued that establishes a restriction schedule from Monday to Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the next day and on Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to the following Monday at 6:00 a.m., in the operation of all activities and establishments in the state territory.
Likewise, the closure and suspension of all activities and establishments in the State of Chihuahua during restriction hours is ordered, with the exception of those provided for in Article Three of this agreement, which will operate even during restriction hours as considered priority.
In addition, in order to reduce the risk of contagion during the transfer of people, specific schedules and criteria are defined for the various modes of the transport system.
Finally, it is established that this Agreement will be subject to periodic review by the health authority, in conjunction with the State Health Council, which will determine its validity. For this purpose, its reform or repeal must be agreed upon once there are favorable sanitary conditions for the reopening of establishments and the gradual resumption of activities. To consult the full content: http://www.chihuahua.gob.mx/atach2/periodicas/po89-2020.pdf