On December 16, the Decree amending, adding and repealing various provisions of the Law of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers and of the Law of the Institute of Social Security and Services of Workers was published in the DOF. State Workers, which came into effect the day after its publication.
The main changes established in the INFONAVIT Law can be summarized in 3 points:
1. Workers may receive credits directly and without intermediaries. Prior to exercising their credit, the worker will have the right to receive sufficient information on the legal and financial conditions of the same (Art. 41).
2. The granting of credits to workers may be for the following concepts (Art. 42):
to) For the acquisition of home ownership (traditional credit) or land that is intended for the construction of a home
b) For the construction or self-production of housing
c) For the repair, expansion or improvements of rooms
d) For the payment of liabilities acquired by any of the previous concepts
and) For the refinancing of a loan, acquired with the Institute or with any other financial institution, for any of the previous concepts.
The Institute will establish the conditions to guarantee the free choice of financing that best suits the interests of the worker.
3. Workers will be entitled to receive a credit from the Institute, and once it has been paid, they will be able to access subsequent credits as long as the previous one is effectively settled. These credits may include financing schemes in partnership with financial entities (Art. 47).
Finally, in transitory articles it is foreseen that both INFONAVIT and FOVISSSTE will have 120 days to issue the rules for granting credits and in the same period the SHCP through the National Banking and Securities Commission will issue the necessary modifications to implement reforms.